Saturday, October 10, 2015

Just A Game

Ruby flames of candles flicker and the night air is still
I watch the board as the eye moves to the spirits' will
The other side is coming through, I hear the moans...
A portal is now open, the clock chimes echoing tones
Supernatural forces surround, this is nothing like I planned
Deep fear overcomes me, I cannot move, frozen I stand
M-U-R-D-E-R the word is spelled, my heart races
On the wooden floor I hear disembodied paces
The flames burn out; I am not alone in the dark
A haunting song, words unknown sing like a devilish lark
I am blind in the shadows, looking for a way out, I seek hope
Ice cold hands hold me; this is beyond anything I can cope
Laughing of this demonic, unholy thing fills the room
My last breath exits my body, I know inescapable doom
I now look down to see myself just a lost soulless shell
It was just a game; I'm in a shadow filled world where nothing is well